How To Hire The Right Process Server
The Right Process Server delivers the paperwork without any problems. You can hire an individual Process Server or work…
Motion to Quash
Motion To Quash (MTQ) is a request for the court to hand down the decision of a previous lower court ruling invalid. This is done…
Who let the dog out?
A process server’s worst nightmare is when a dog attacks. Obviously, no one wants to be chased and get bitten right? But sometimes…
Skip tracing
Skip tracing is the process of locating someone. This is used in process serving when process servers who are searching for…
Body cameras on process servers
We’ve heard stories about process servers getting hurt in the line of duty and numerous attempts have been done to address this, all at…
Efficient Skip Tracing and Legal Process Servers: Key in Resolving Civil Lawsuits
An evading defendant is something that you do not want to deal with because filing a civil court case is not a walk in the park…
The Unmasking of Sewer Service: A Growing Threat in Legal Process Serving
It seems like the huge demand for service coupled with few industry regulations resulted in nearly everyone venturing into process…
4 ways to find information of a homeless person
Nothing is more challenging to a process server than to serving papers to a person who is almost unreachable. It’s inevitable to…
5 powerful tips how to hire the right process server
Getting the right process server in Florida sounds pretty simple, but if you are looking for a process service that will provide same day…
Why notary public is highly important
A Notary Public these days is high in demand everywhere. The fast-paced and highly mobilized era has greatly made drastic changes with…
Eviction processes: How it works?
Eviction Processes can be frustrating when you are not fully aware of eviction legalities. Based on surveys, a lot of landlords and …
Recognizing Process Servers Significance
Process Servers are professionals trained and authorized to perform Service of Process for the court system with critical responsibilities…